Minimalist Daily Planner Printable


One of my most helpful things I have designed for myself in the past year is this daily planner printable. I am someone who relies heavily on written organization tactics to keep my business on track, and this has been invaluable for me over the course of the past several months.

When I was working as a Marketing Manager for an independent school, I was overwhelmed by the number of tasks that fell on my plate each day. From photographing student activities, to planning and executing an advertising strategy, to carrying all design projects from inception to completion — I was a one woman show, and I was drowning. I asked our head of school for advice, and he recommended I start each day by writing down my three most critical tasks.

These tasks, however big or small, needed to be completed on a specific timeline, and needed to be crossed off by the end of the day. After a few weeks, I discovered that my three most critical tasks tended to be the type of project I would find myself putting off until the last minute. Undesirable tasks with firm deadlines. With my three critical tasks top of mind, even if crossed nothing else off, I could still feel confident that I had a productive and purposeful day.

I designed this daily planner with that in mind — it can be overwhelming to look at a list of 20–30 tasks each day with no hierarchy. Now, I print out this PDF (two-sided of course!) and save my completed planners to look back on as well.

Download the daily planner printable here.

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