A Visual Branding Case Study: Torrance Hart

Torrance, Torrance, Torrance. Where to start! She is the genius behind Teak & Twine, she is vibrant, energetic, an enormous cheerleader for anyone who is passionate about their career. She’s a connector. She’s a hype girl and a visionary. She’s laid back but make no mistake – she is as determined as they come. Her spirit is contagious and she truly makes you feel like you can accomplish ANYTHING. Let’s just say working with her was a dream and this visual branding just feels so. much. like. her. Stay tuned for her courses and new website launching in the coming weeks!

"Oh my gosh, it's so YOU!!!" - Everyone from my team to my sister and my mom, when they saw the personal branding Olivia designed for me. Professional? Check. Amazing communicator? Check! Equal parts creative genius with marketing-savvy? Double check! Good designers deliver what you're expecting. Great designers deliver something so much better than you could ever have pictured. Olivia is a great designer–book her before she justifiably triples her rates!” - Torrance Hart

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